라벨이 zoningFlappyBird-멍때리는게임인 게시물 표시

Chicken Fight(닭싸움) - Homepage

Are you get board and feel lazy? Okay, then let's go and experience some adventures with this stupid bird game! It's easy to play and fun to play it! Let's go for it! ✓ Asset & Etc link: download below:  ✓  플레이스토어: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nolGaeMi.zoningFlappyBird ✓  homepage:  https://githumfirst.github.io/Chicken-Fight-/ Chicken Fight(닭싸움) - Android Game Programming with Unity Chicken Fight(닭싸움) - Android Game Programming with Unity This game is made by internet surfing and algorithms and assest are from youtube and opensources. Belows are the sources. Thank you for their efforts. referrence source: https://youtu.be/XtQMytORBmM?si=ucAOmN8wJppIOA-p referrence source: https://youtu.be/rJE6bhVUNhk?si=NQrwftJ3zLIEibDn asset for bird, pipe: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h5vez7ltgbmfnib/AADSCiI2dEKptcR7ydv8xR2Ba?dl=0 asset background for sky1.png: https://opengameart.org/ asset bullets : https://opengameart.org/content/mana-health-and-energy-icons ass