사이버 보안 컨퍼런스 내용 정리(2023년 영문/한글)
사이버 보안 컨퍼런스 내용 정리(2023년 영문/한글) zero-trust 시나리오 1 --> zero trust 가 work productivity를 저해하는 것에 대한 대처방법 -- 1st Day -- DK: Hi, guys. Good to be able to see you guys here. I feel this zero-trust network session is informative to me. So, I would like to know which one of you guys does a zero-trust policy in your organization? YK: Well, good to see you guys. I am YK from BOK. I also think this zero trust session is helpful to me. Regarding what DK said, I think my company has been adopting zero-trust security. Not the whole of it, though. As an example, when I try to log in on a new device, the log-in system of BOK warns me that I am trying to log in on a new device. This might be a small part of zero-trust, but yes. My bank puts some effort into improving the cybersecurity using zero-trust security. DK:I agree with YK. It seems zero-trust security is already with us, more or less. Anybody else? Like to add some more wisdom to this conversation? Sam: I like what you guys mention...