image_insert_vba (vba로 만든 이미지 자동 삽입기)

' each module has a intuitive and understnding name so I have not comment on each module

' 각 모듈이 직관적인 이름으로 되어 있어서 이해가 쉬울거에요

' 변수 선언

 Option Explicit

Dim sFolder As String       'sFolder --> the folder of images

Dim file_name As String

Dim pic_name As String

Dim img As Picture

Dim X As Object    'X is a FileObject

Dim XNC As Object

Dim number_of_files As Integer

Const loc_data As Integer = 20  ' data loc is cells(1, 20)

Const no_of_column As Integer = 6

Const loc_data_copy As Integer = 23  ' data loc is cells (1, 20)

Dim file_arr As Variant

Dim file_name_in_cells_arr As Variant

' 이미지 삽입 프로세스

' 각 모듈을 불러오는 역할

Public Sub image_insert_process()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False



    Call folder_Picking     ' 폴더 선택

    Call count_files_number   ' 파일수 체크

    Call list_files    ' 파일 리스트 업


    Call sortDataWithoutHeader  ' 파일 소트

    Call store_files_into_array     ' 파일을 어레이에 넣기

    Call putting_file_Names       ' 파일명 셀에 넣기


    Call row_col_adj               '셀크기 조정

    Call putting_images       ' 이미지 넣기


    Call clear_loc_data     ' 기타 불필요 지우기

    Call delete_extension    ' 확장명 지우기

    Call clear_boarder_colors   ' 기타 불필요 서식 지우기

    Call cells_Centered            ' 중간으로 맞추기


    Application.ScreenUpdating = True


    Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).Select


End Sub

Private Sub row_col_adj()

    Dim intRow As Integer

    intRow = 1


    Dim intCol As Integer

    intCol = 1


    Dim int_odd As Integer

    int_odd = 1


    Dim int_even As Integer

    int_even = 2


    Do While intRow < ((number_of_files / no_of_column) + 1)


        For intCol = 1 To no_of_column

            Sheet1.Cells(int_odd, intCol).Select

            'Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 20

            Selection.RowHeight = 16.5

            Selection.ColumnWidth = 15


            Sheet1.Cells(int_even, intCol).Select

            'Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 15

            Selection.RowHeight = 125




        int_odd = int_odd + 2

        int_even = int_even + 2


    intRow = intRow + 1




    Selection.Borders.Color = 20


End Sub

Private Sub folder_Picking()

    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)

        If .Show = -1 Then ' if OK is pressed

            sFolder = .SelectedItems(1)

        End If

    End With



    If sFolder <> "" Then

            MsgBox "파일을 가져올 폴더 위치 확인 됨!" & vbCrLf & "a Path Identified "


            MsgBox "파일을 가져올 위치를 지정하세요!" & vbCrLf & "a Path, Please!!!"

        Exit Sub


    End If


End Sub

Private Sub count_files_number()

    Set X = CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemobject")

    Set XNC = X.GetFolder(sFolder) ' XNC is a file object


    MsgBox "이미지 파일은 " & XNC.Files.count & "개입니다"


    number_of_files = XNC.Files.count


End Sub

Private Sub list_files()

 Dim get_file As Variant

 Dim intRow As Integer

 intRow = 1


 For Each get_file In XNC.Files

    Sheet1.Cells(intRow, loc_data).Value =


    intRow = intRow + 1


End Sub

Private Sub sortDataWithoutHeader()

Sheet1.Range("T1", Range("T1").End(xlDown)).Sort Key1:=Range("T1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo

End Sub

Private Sub store_files_into_array()


    ReDim file_arr(1 To number_of_files)


    Dim num_1 As Integer


    For num_1 = 1 To number_of_files

        file_arr(num_1) = Sheet1.Cells(num_1, loc_data).Value


End Sub

Private Sub putting_file_Names()

    Dim rn As Integer ' row of name

    Dim cn As Integer ' column of name

    Dim z As Variant  ' z is each File

    Dim f_a As Variant


    rn = 1

    cn = 1


    For Each f_a In file_arr ' go through folder

        ' puting the file-names into cells

        'Sheet1.Cells(rn, cn).Value =  'Sheet1 is a code name not just a sheet-name


         Sheet1.Cells(rn, cn).Value = f_a


        cn = cn + 1


        If cn >= 7 Then     ' on 6th column, go down to the next row.

            cn = 1

            rn = rn + 2

        End If



End Sub

Private Sub putting_images()

Dim r As Integer

Dim c As Integer

Dim i As Integer

r = 1  ' row

c = 1  ' column

    For i = 1 To XNC.Files.count  ' as many as the rows of files


        Do While c <= no_of_column            ' as many as the columns of files


            file_name = Sheet1.Cells(r, c).Value 'Sheet1 is a code name of the sheet not a name of a sheet


            If file_name = "" Then

                Exit Do     ' if data is the last one then exit

            End If


            pic_name = sFolder & "\" & file_name


            Cells(r + 1, c).Select ' where will be inserted


            Set img = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(pic_name)


            With img


                img.Top = .Top + 2

                img.Left = .Left + 2

                img.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse

                img.Placement = xlMoveAndSize

                img.ShapeRange.Width = 80#

                img.ShapeRange.Height = 110#


            End With


            c = c + 1   ' move to the right column




        r = r + 2       ' go down to the next row

        c = 1



End Sub

Private Sub cells_Centered()

    Cells.Select     ' cells centered!!

    With Selection

        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter

        .WrapText = False

        .Orientation = 0

        .AddIndent = False

        .IndentLevel = 0

        .ShrinkToFit = False

        .ReadingOrder = xlContext

        .MergeCells = False

    End With

End Sub

Private Sub clear_boarder_colors()




End Sub

Private Sub clear_loc_data()


    'Sheet1 is a code name of the sheet not a name of a sheet

    Sheet1.Cells(1, loc_data).CurrentRegion.Delete


End Sub

Private Sub delete_extension()


    Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).Select


    Dim rn As Integer ' row of name

    Dim cn As Integer ' column of name

    Dim z As Variant  ' z is each File

    Dim file_name As Variant

    Dim file_part() As String


    rn = 1

    cn = 1


    For Each file_name In file_arr ' go through folder


         file_name = Sheet1.Cells(rn, cn).Value


         file_part = Split(file_name, ".")


         Sheet1.Cells(rn, cn).Value = file_part(0)


        cn = cn + 1


        If cn >= 7 Then     ' on 6th column, go down to the next row.

            cn = 1

            rn = rn + 2

        End If





End Sub

Public Sub image_delete_process()

    Call DeleteAllPics

    Call cells_row_back


End Sub

Private Sub DeleteAllPics()

Dim Pic As Object

For Each Pic In ActiveSheet.Pictures


Next Pic

Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = Sheet1 'Sheet1 is a code name of the sheet not a name of a sheet



End Sub

Private Sub cells_row_back()

    Sheet1.Cells.RowHeight = 16.5

    Sheet1.Cells.ColumnWidth = 8.38

End Sub


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