추억의 병정놀이 게임 인공지능 chatgptt 활용하여 실제 만들어 보기( How to make a game using opena...
* 게임명: 추억의 병정놀이 게임
* 개발언어: javascript
* 깃허브주소: https://github.com/githumfirst/githumfirst.github.io?search=1
* 개발배경:
어렸을때 이게임을 해봤다면???? 옛날 사람 인증입니다...ㅋㅋㅋ
어렸을때 두꺼운 종이에 군인 계급을 적고 그것을 반으로 접은다음에 가위로 오리고, 또 게임판을 만들어서 게임을 해봤다면, 아 추억의 병정놀이 게임, 적 군인을 만나면 쾅! 하고 박치기를 하고, 상대의 계급을 확인합니다. 심판이 없는 경우가 대부분이어서, 상대의 계급을 확인하고 내가 낮다면 나의 말을 게임판에서 들어냅니다. ㅍㅎㅎ 매우 전투적이면서 심리적인 게임이지요. 헌병은 모두 군인에게 이기지만 아마 원수(별 5개)한테만 이길거에요. 원수가 젤 높아나, 아니면, 대통령이 따로 있었나 기억이 가물 가물 하네요. 추억에 젖게 만드는 게임입니다. 이것을 현재의 전자게임으로 다시 만들었는데요. 허접한 코딩 실력으로 허접하게 만들어서 안타깝네요. 좀 더 실력을 쌓아서 멋진 게임으로 돌아올것을 기약 합니다.
* 게임코드 무료 공개(스파게티 코드임 ㅠ_ㅠ)
// Soldier class representing a soldier with rank and status (alive or dead);
class Soldier {
constructor(rank) {
this.rank = rank;
this.isAlive = true;
class AISoldier {
constructor(rank, row, col) {
this.rank = rank;
this.isAlive = true;
this.row = row;
this.col = col;
// background music
// const playButton = document.getElementById('playButton');
// const backgroundMusic = document.getElementById('backgroundMusic');
// Rank names
const rankNames = ['병사', '중위', '소령', '중령', '대령', '대장', 'MP', '대통령'];
// Global variables for armies
let userArmy = [];
let aiArmy = [];
let currentPlayer = 1; // Initialize currentPlayer to 1 (User's turn)
let selectedSoldier = null;
// Function to create the game board and soldiers for each army
function createBoard() {
const board = document.getElementById('board');
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
const cell = document.createElement('div');
cell.className = 'cell';
cell.id = `cell_${i}_${j}`;
// Function to place soldiers on the board for each army
// Modify the placeSoldiers and placeAISoldiers functions like this:
function placeSoldiers(userArmy) {
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
const userArmyCell = document.getElementById(`cell_${7}_${i}`);
userArmyCell.textContent = `User - ${rankNames[userArmy[i].rank - 1]}`;
userArmyCell.setAttribute('data-army', 'User');
userArmyCell.setAttribute('data-rank', userArmy[i].rank);
userArmyCell.classList.add('user-soldier'); // Add a class to distinguish user soldiers
function placeAISoldiers(aiArmy) {
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
const aiArmyCell = document.getElementById(`cell_${0}_${i}`);
const aiSoldier = new AISoldier(i + 1, 0, i);
aiArmyCell.textContent = `A.I - ${rankNames[aiSoldier.rank - 1]}`;
aiArmyCell.setAttribute('data-army', 'A.I');
aiArmyCell.setAttribute('data-rank', aiSoldier.rank);
aiArmyCell.classList.add('ai-soldier'); // Add a class to distinguish AI soldiers
function battle(userRank, aiRank) {
if (userRank == aiRank) {
// time delay display thime
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("This message appears after 2 seconds.");
// You can put any code you want to delay here
}, 5000); // 2000 milliseconds = 2 seconds
return 'draw';
// user MP beats ai President
if (userRank == 7 && aiRank == 8) {
return 'user';
// ai MP beats user President
if (userRank == 8 && aiRank == 7) {
return 'ai';
if (userRank == 7 && aiRank != 8) {
return 'ai';
if (userRank != 8 && aiRank == 7) {
return 'user';
if (userRank > aiRank) {
return 'user';
if (userRank < aiRank) {
return 'ai';
// Function to show the "Thinking..." sign
function showThinkingSign() {
const thinkingSign = document.getElementById('thinkingSign');
thinkingSign.style.display = 'block';
// Function to hide the "Thinking..." sign
function hideThinkingSign() {
const thinkingSign = document.getElementById('thinkingSign');
thinkingSign.style.display = 'none';
function showDraw() {
const drawSign = document.getElementById('drawSign');
drawSign.style.display = 'block';
function showUserWin() {
const userWinSign = document.getElementById('userWinSign');
userWinSign.style.display = 'block';
function showAiWin() {
const aiWinSign = document.getElementById('aiWinSign');
aiWinSign.style.display = 'block';
function showDoAgain() {
const doAgain = document.getElementById('doAgain');
doAgain.style.display = 'block';
// Function to hide the "win/loss..." sign
function hideDraw() {
const drawSign = document.getElementById('drawSign');
drawSign.style.display = 'none';
function hideUserWin() {
const userWinSign = document.getElementById('userWinSign');
userWinSign.style.display = 'none';
function hideAiWin() {
const aiWinSign = document.getElementById('aiWinSign');
aiWinSign.style.display = 'none';
function hideDoAgain() {
const doAgain = document.getElementById('doAgain');
doAgain.style.display = 'none';
// Function to handle soldier selection
function selectSoldier(event) {
const cell = event.target;
const cellContent = cell.textContent;
// Check if the cell contains a soldier
if (cellContent.includes("A.I") || cellContent.includes("User")) {
// Extract the army and rank from the cell's data attributes
const army = cell.getAttribute('data-army');
const rank = parseInt(cell.getAttribute('data-rank'));
// Determine if the soldier belongs to the current player (User)
if ((currentPlayer === 1 && army === 'User') || (currentPlayer === 1 && cell.textContent.includes("User") )) {
if (selectedSoldier) {
// Deselect the previously selected soldier (remove orange color)
selectedSoldier.style.backgroundColor = '';
selectedSoldier = event.target;
// Mark the selected soldier with an orange color
selectedSoldier.style.backgroundColor = 'orange';
} else {
alert('You can only move your own soldiers.');
} else {
alert('Please select a valid soldier to move.');
function addClickListeners() {
const cells = document.getElementsByClassName('cell');
for (let cell of cells) {
cell.addEventListener('click', selectSoldier);
// Function to remove click event listeners from soldier cells
function removeClickListeners() {
const cells = document.getElementsByClassName('cell');
for (let cell of cells) {
cell.removeEventListener('click', selectSoldier);
function findAdjacentAiSoldiers(aiSoldiers, selectedSoldier) {
const selectedId = selectedSoldier.id;
const selectedCoords = selectedId.match(/cell_(\d+)_(\d+)/).slice(1, 3).map(Number);
const adjacentSoldiers = aiSoldiers.filter(soldier => {
const soldierId = soldier.id;
const soldierCoords = soldierId.match(/cell_(\d+)_(\d+)/).slice(1, 3).map(Number);
const rowDiff = Math.abs(selectedCoords[0] - soldierCoords[0]);
const colDiff = Math.abs(selectedCoords[1] - soldierCoords[1]);
// Soldiers are adjacent if they are in the same row or column and have a difference of 1 in the other dimension
return (rowDiff === 1 && colDiff === 0) || (rowDiff === 0 && colDiff === 1);
return adjacentSoldiers;
// Function to handle the attack
function boom() {
try {
console.log('who calls boom function');
if (!selectedSoldier) {
alert("Please select a soldier before attacking.");
// Find the opponent's soldiers
const opponentCells = document.getElementsByClassName('cell');
const aiSoldiers = [];
for (let cell of opponentCells) {
if (cell.textContent.includes("A.I") && cell.textContent !== '') {
// Find the selected user soldier
const soldierCell = selectedSoldier;
// Get the current row and column of the soldier
const row = parseInt(soldierCell.id.split('_')[1]);
const col = parseInt(soldierCell.id.split('_')[2]);
// Get the Army and Rank of User
const userSoldierContent = soldierCell.innerHTML;
const army = userSoldierContent.split('-')[0];
const cleanArmy = army.replace(" ", "");
const userSoldierRank = userSoldierContent.split('-')[1];
const cleanRank = userSoldierRank.replace(" ", "");
// convert rank to Number
let userRankNumber = 0;
userRankNumber = rankToNumber(cleanRank);
// const selectedUserSoldier = userArmy.find(soldier => soldier.rank === cleanRank);
let fightingUserSoldier = userArmy.find(soldier => soldier.rank === userRankNumber);
// const selectedUserSoldier = userArmy.find(soldier => soldier.rank === selectedUserSoldierRank);
// Find adjacent AI soldiers
// const adjacentAISoldiers = aiSoldiers.filter(aiSoldier => areAdjacent(fightingUserSoldier, aiSoldier));
const adjacentAISoldiers = findAdjacentAiSoldiers(aiSoldiers, selectedSoldier);
if (adjacentAISoldiers.length === 0) {
alert("Cannot attack. Your soldier is not in contact with any opponent's soldier.");
} else if (adjacentAISoldiers.length === 1) {
// Only one adjacent AI soldier, attack without asking
const aiSoldierCell = adjacentAISoldiers[0];
// Get rank and army of AI
const aiSoldierContent = aiSoldierCell.innerHTML;
const aiArmyID = aiSoldierContent.split('-')[0];
const cleanAiArmy = aiArmyID.replace(" ", "");
const aiRank = aiSoldierContent.split('-')[1];
const cleanAiRank = aiRank.replace(" ", "");
// convert rank to Number
let aiRankNumber = 0;
aiRankNumber = rankToNumber(cleanAiRank);
// const aiSoldierRank = parseInt(aiSoldierCell.getAttribute('data-rank'));
const fightingAiSoldier = aiArmy.find(soldier => soldier.rank === aiRankNumber);
let result = battle(userRankNumber, aiRankNumber);
// winner is user, then remove ai soldier
if (result == 'user') {
aiSoldierCell.style.backgroundColor = '';
aiSoldierCell.innerHTML = '';
aiSoldierCell.classList.remove('ai-soldier'); // remove a class to distinguish AI soldiers
// time delay display thime
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("This message appears after 2 seconds.");
// You can put any code you want to delay here
}, 3000); // 2000 milliseconds = 2 seconds
// winner is A.I, then remove User soldier
if (result == 'ai') {
soldierCell.style.backgroundColor = '';
soldierCell.classList.remove('user-soldier'); // remove a class to distinguish user soldiers
soldierCell.innerHTML = '';
// time delay display thime
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("This message appears after 2 seconds.");
// You can put any code you want to delay here
}, 3000); // 2000 milliseconds = 2 seconds
// winner is A.I, then remove User soldier
if (result == 'draw') {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("This message appears after 2 seconds.");
// You can put any code you want to delay here
}, 3000); // 2000 milliseconds = 2 seconds
// Update the soldier display on the board after the battle
// updateSoldierDisplay(selectedSoldier, selectedUserSoldier);
// updateSoldierDisplay(aiSoldierCell, aiSoldier);
} else {
// Multiple adjacent AI soldiers, ask the user which one to attack
const attackOptions = adjacentAISoldiers.map(aiSoldierCell => {
const aiSoldierRank = parseInt(aiSoldierCell.getAttribute('data-rank'));
const aiSoldier = aiArmy.find(soldier => soldier.rank === aiSoldierRank);
return `${aiSoldierCell.textContent} (Rank: ${rankNames[aiSoldier.rank - 1]})`;
const selectedOption = prompt(`Select an opponent soldier to attack:\n\n${attackOptions.join('\n')}`);
if (selectedOption === null) {
// User cancelled the prompt
const selectedAIIndex = attackOptions.findIndex(option => option === selectedOption);
if (selectedAIIndex === -1) {
alert("Invalid selection.");
const selectedAISoldierCell = adjacentAISoldiers[selectedAIIndex];
const selectedAISoldierRank = parseInt(selectedAISoldierCell.getAttribute('data-rank'));
const selectedAISoldier = aiArmy.find(soldier => soldier.rank === selectedAISoldierRank);
battle(selectedUserSoldier, selectedAISoldier);
// Update the soldier display on the board after the battle
updateSoldierDisplay(selectedSoldier, selectedUserSoldier);
updateSoldierDisplay(selectedAISoldierCell, selectedAISoldier);
// Check if the game is over
if (isGameOver()) {
} else {
// Allow the player to move again (player's turn)
return; // it does not finish with return !!!
} catch (error) {
// time delay display thime
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("This message appears after 2 seconds.");
// You can put any code you want to delay here
}, 3000); // 2000 milliseconds = 2 seconds
// Function to update the soldier display on the board after the battle
// function updateSoldierDisplay(cell, soldier) {
// if (soldier.isAlive) {
// cell.textContent = `${cell.getAttribute('data-army')} - ${rankNames[soldier.rank - 1]}`;
// cell.setAttribute('data-rank', soldier.rank); // Add this line
// } else {
// cell.textContent = '';
// cell.removeAttribute('data-army'); // Remove this line if present
// cell.removeAttribute('data-rank'); // Add this line
// }
// }
// Function to handle soldier movement
function move(direction) {
// Check if a soldier is selected
if (!selectedSoldier) {
alert("Please select a soldier before moving.");
// Find the selected soldier's cell
const soldierCell = selectedSoldier;
// Get the current row and column of the soldier
const row = parseInt(soldierCell.id.split('_')[1]);
const col = parseInt(soldierCell.id.split('_')[2]);
// Calculate the target row and column based on the selected direction
let targetRow = row;
let targetCol = col;
switch (direction) {
case 'forward':
targetRow = row - 1;
case 'backward':
targetRow = row + 1;
case 'left':
targetCol = col - 1;
case 'right':
targetCol = col + 1;
// Check if the target cell is within the board boundaries
if (targetRow >= 0 && targetRow < 8 && targetCol >= 0 && targetCol < 8) {
const targetCell = document.getElementById(`cell_${targetRow}_${targetCol}`);
// Check if the target cell is empty
if (targetCell.textContent === '') {
// Move the soldier to the new cell
targetCell.textContent = soldierCell.textContent;
soldierCell.textContent = '';
// Clear the selection (remove orange color) from the previously selected soldier
selectedSoldier.style.backgroundColor = '';
selectedSoldier.classList.remove('user-soldier'); // Add a class to distinguish user soldiers
// Update the selectedSoldier to the new cell
selectedSoldier = targetCell;
// Mark the newly moved soldier as selected with an orange color
selectedSoldier.classList.add('user-soldier'); // Add a class to distinguish user soldiers
selectedSoldier.style.backgroundColor = 'orange';
// Update currentPlayer to 2 (computer's turn) after the player makes a move
currentPlayer = 2;
// Remove click listeners from soldiers after moving
// Check if the game is over
if (isGameOver()) {
} else {
// Let the computer move its soldiers after the player's turn
} else {
// If the target cell is occupied, perform a battle
} else {
alert("Cannot move. The target cell is outside the board boundaries.");
// Function to check if a soldier is present in the target cell
function isSoldierPresent(targetRow, targetCol) {
const targetCell = document.getElementById(`cell_${targetRow}_${targetCol}`);
return targetCell.textContent !== '';
// Function to handle the opponent player's turn (AI move)
function aiTurn() {
// Show the "Thinking..." sign
// Disable the boom button during the computer's turn
// Introduce a delay to simulate "thinking" for the computer (1 second)
setTimeout(() => {
// Find all the computer's soldiers
// const aiSoldiers = aiArmy.filter(soldier => soldier.isAlive);
// Find the opponent's soldiers
const opponentCells = document.getElementsByClassName('cell');
const aiSoldiers = [];
for (let cell of opponentCells) {
console.log("it stops here");
if (cell.textContent.includes("A.I") && cell.textContent !== '') {
// Randomly choose a soldier to move
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * aiSoldiers.length);
const selectedAISoldier = aiSoldiers[randomIndex];
// Randomly choose a direction to move the soldier
const directions = ['forward', 'backward', 'left', 'right'];
const randomDirectionIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * directions.length);
const selectedAIDirection = directions[randomDirectionIndex];
// Move the selected soldier
moveAI(selectedAISoldier, selectedAIDirection);
// Hide the "Thinking..." sign after the move is done
// Call startNextTurn to initiate the player's turn after the opponent's turn
}, 1000);
// Function to start the next turn (player's turn or opponent's turn)
function startNextTurn() {
// Update currentPlayer to the next player's turn
// currentPlayer = currentPlayer === 1 ? 2 : 1;
// Add click listeners for only user turn
if (currentPlayer == 1) {
} else {
// If it's ai's turn, initiate the ai's turn
if (currentPlayer === 2) {
// Function to handle the player's turn
function playerTurn() {
currentPlayer = 1; // Set the current player to 1 (player's turn)
// Enable the boom button during the player's turn
// Add click listeners back after the player makes a move
// Function to add click event listener to the boom button
function addBoomButtonListener() {
const boomButton = document.getElementById('boom-button');
boomButton.addEventListener('click', boom);
// Function to remove click event listener from the boom button during the player's turn
function removeBoomButtonListener() {
const boomButton = document.getElementById('boom-button');
boomButton.removeEventListener('click', boom);
// Function to check if the game is over
function isGameOver() {
// The game is over if all soldiers of one army are defeated
if (userArmy.every(soldier => !soldier.isAlive)) {
return 1; // Player 1 (Army 1) wins
} else if (aiArmy.every(soldier => !soldier.isAlive)) {
return 2; // Player 2 (Army 2) wins
} else {
return 0; // Game is not over yet
// Function to end the game and display the result
function endGame(winner) {
// Display the result
const result = document.getElementById('result');
if (winner === 1) {
result.textContent = 'Game Over! My Army wins!';
} else if (winner === 2) {
result.textContent = 'Game Over! COM wins!';
} else {
result.textContent = 'Game Over! It\'s a tie!';
// Disable the boom button and remove click listeners from soldiers
const boomButton = document.getElementById('boom-button');
boomButton.disabled = true;
// Function to handle soldier movement
function moveAI(aiSoldierCell, aiDirection) {
// Find the selected user soldier
const toMoveAiSoldierCell = aiSoldierCell;
// Get the current row and column of the soldier
let targetRow = parseInt(toMoveAiSoldierCell.id.split('_')[1]);
let targetCol = parseInt(toMoveAiSoldierCell.id.split('_')[2]);
// Get the Army and Rank of User
const aiSoldierContent = toMoveAiSoldierCell.innerHTML;
const aiID = aiSoldierContent.split('-')[0];
const cleanAiArmy = aiID.replace(" ", "");
const aiSoldierRank = aiSoldierContent.split('-')[1];
const aicleanRank = aiSoldierRank.replace(" ", "");
// convert rank to Number
let aiRankNumber = 0;
aiRankNumber = rankToNumber(aicleanRank);
// const aiSoldierRank = aiSoldierCell.rank;
const aiSoldier = aiArmy.find(aiSoldier => aiSoldier.rank === aiRankNumber);
// let targetRow = aiSoldier.row;
// let targetCol = aiSoldier.col;
// data matching
const currentCell = document.getElementById(`cell_${targetRow}_${targetCol}`);
switch (aiDirection) {
case 'forward':
if (targetRow > 0) targetRow--;
case 'backward':
if (targetRow < 7) targetRow++;
case 'left':
if (targetCol > 0) targetCol--;
case 'right':
if (targetCol < 7) targetCol++;
const targetCell = document.getElementById(`cell_${targetRow}_${targetCol}`);
// Check targetCell is empty, yes -> go to targetCell
if (targetCell.textContent === '') {
targetCell.textContent = currentCell.textContent;
targetCell.classList.add('ai-soldier'); // Add a class to distinguish AI soldiers
currentCell.textContent = '';
currentCell.classList.remove('ai-soldier'); // Add a class to distinguish AI soldiers
// Update currentPlayer to 1 (user's turn) after the player makes a move
currentPlayer = 1;
// Remove click listeners from soldiers after moving
// Check if the game is over
if (isGameOver()) {
} else {
// If the current player is the computer, it's the computer's turn (opponent's turn)
if (currentPlayer === 2) {
} else {
// Otherwise, it's the player's turn
} else {
// Check if the target cell belongs to the AI's army
const targetCellArmy = targetCell.getAttribute('data-army');
if (targetCellArmy === 'A.I') {
// Find an empty adjacent cell to move to
const adjacentCells = [];
// Check forward
if (targetRow > 0 && !isSoldierPresent(targetRow - 1, targetCol)) {
adjacentCells.push(document.getElementById(`cell_${targetRow - 1}_${targetCol}`));
// Check backward
if (targetRow < 7 && !isSoldierPresent(targetRow + 1, targetCol)) {
adjacentCells.push(document.getElementById(`cell_${targetRow + 1}_${targetCol}`));
// Check left
if (targetCol > 0 && !isSoldierPresent(targetRow, targetCol - 1)) {
adjacentCells.push(document.getElementById(`cell_${targetRow}_${targetCol - 1}`));
// Check right
if (targetCol < 7 && !isSoldierPresent(targetRow, targetCol + 1)) {
adjacentCells.push(document.getElementById(`cell_${targetRow}_${targetCol + 1}`));
if (adjacentCells.length > 0) {
const randomAdjacentCell = adjacentCells[Math.floor(Math.random() * adjacentCells.length)];
moveAItoAdjacent(aiSoldierCell, randomAdjacentCell);
} else {
// If no empty adjacent cell is available, end the turn
} else {
// If the target cell is occupied by an opponent soldier, perform a battle
battle(aiSoldier, aiArmy.find(s => s.row === targetRow && s.col === targetCol));
// updateSoldierDisplay(aiSoldierCell, aiSoldier);
// updateSoldierDisplay(targetCell, aiArmy.find(s => s.row === targetRow && s.col === targetCol));
// Check if the game is over
if (isGameOver()) {
} else {
// Allow the player to move again (player's turn)
// move ai soldier to adjacent with the targetcell
function moveAItoAdjacent(aiSoldierCell, targetCell) {
// *************************
// Find the selected user soldier
const adjacentAiSoldierCell = aiSoldierCell;
// Get the current row and column of the soldier
let adjacentTargetRow = parseInt(adjacentAiSoldierCell.id.split('_')[1]);
let adjacentTargetCol = parseInt(adjacentAiSoldierCell.id.split('_')[2]);
// Get the Army and Rank of User
const adjacentAiSoldierContent = adjacentAiSoldierCell.innerHTML;
const adjacentAiID = adjacentAiSoldierContent.split('-')[0];
const adjacentCleanAiArmy = adjacentAiID.replace(" ", "");
const adjacentAiSoldierCellRank = adjacentAiSoldierContent.split('-')[1];
const adjacentAicleanRank = adjacentAiSoldierCellRank.replace(" ", "");
// convert rank to Number
let adjacentAiRankNumber = 0;
adjacentAiRankNumber = rankToNumber(adjacentAicleanRank);
// const aiSoldierRank = aiSoldierCell.rank;
const aiSoldier = aiArmy.find(aiSoldier => aiSoldier.rank === adjacentAiRankNumber);
// **************************
const aiSoldierRank = aiSoldierCell.rank;
// const aiSoldier = aiArmy.find(soldier => soldier.rank === aiSoldierRank);
// Get the current row and column of the AI soldier
const currentRow = aiSoldier.row;
const currentCol = aiSoldier.col;
// Get the target row and column of the adjacent cell
const targetRow = parseInt(targetCell.id.split('_')[1]);
const targetCol = parseInt(targetCell.id.split('_')[2]);
// Update the AI soldier's position
aiSoldier.row = targetRow;
aiSoldier.col = targetCol;
// data matching
const currentCell = document.getElementById(`cell_${currentRow}_${currentCol}`);
// Update the AI soldier's display on the board
targetCell.textContent = currentCell.textContent;
targetCell.classList.add('ai-soldier'); // Add a class to distinguish AI soldiers
currentCell.textContent = '';
currentCell.classList.remove('ai-soldier'); // Add a class to distinguish AI soldiers
// Clear the selection (remove orange color) from the previously selected AI soldier
currentCell.style.backgroundColor = '';
currentCell.classList.remove('ai-soldier'); // Add a class to distinguish AI soldiers
// Update currentPlayer to 1 (user's turn) after the AI makes a move
currentPlayer = 1;
// Remove click listeners from soldiers after moving
// Check if the game is over
if (isGameOver()) {
} else {
// If the current player is the computer, it's the computer's turn (ai's turn)
if (currentPlayer === 2) {
} else {
// Otherwise, it's the player's turn
// Function to start the battle
function startGame() {
userArmy = [];
aiArmy = [];
// Populate the armies with soldiers
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
userArmy.push(new Soldier(i + 1));
// aiArmy.push(new Soldier(i + 1));
// Update the game board based on the battle results
// Add this line to add click listeners after placing soldiers
// Start the player's turn
// convert rank to number
function rankToNumber(rank) {
const rankNames = ['병사', '중위', '소령', '중령', '대령', '대장', 'MP', '대통령'];
let rankNumber = 0;
switch (rank) {
case '병사':
return rankNumber = 1;
case '중위':
return rankNumber = 2;
case '소령':
return rankNumber = 3;
case '중령':
return rankNumber = 4;
case '대령':
return rankNumber = 5;
case '대장':
return rankNumber = 6;
case 'MP':
return rankNumber = 7;
case '대통령':
return rankNumber = 8;
// new game
function refreshPage() {
function playUserSound() {
const userSound = document.getElementById('userSound');
userSound.play(); // This plays the audio
// Initialize the game board and soldiers when the page loads
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