androidx.fragment:fragment (androidx.fragment:fragment)님이 1.0.0 버전이 오래되었다고 신고했습니다.
위의 에러를 처리하기 위해
Assests-Dependencies-Editor 밑에 파일을 아래와 같이 만들도록 한다.
파일명: Dependencies.xml
<androidPackage spec="androidx.fragment:fragment:1.3.6" />
이렇게 하고 나서 빌드를 하면 다른 에러가 아래와 같이 발생한다.
- 에러 내용 -
We've detected that your custom Assets/Plugins/Android\mainTemplate.gradle file is using a deprecated way of controlling which types of assets should not be compressed. To fix this you can update aaptOptions noCompress property yourself by adding unityStreamingAssets constant (like this: + unityStreamingAssets.tokenize(', ')) to it and also making sure that unityStreamingAssets constant is defined in file (like this: unityStreamingAssets=.unity3d**STREAMING_ASSETS**). We can also do this automatically, your current mainTemplate.gradle file will be backed up. Continue?
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