에브리데이 네이티브 잉글리쉬(Everyday Native English)

(source:  https://www.youtube.com/@TikaGhafar)
1. Social media are really so insidious because you think that mindless scrolling is something that is very passive and I guess like relaxing for your brain cuz it's almost like you're switched off.

2. I noticed that was when I plateaued at 10k for several months.

3. and I just felt like I was churning out stuff for the sake of it.

* just because / aimlessly / without a purpose / pointlessly

(source: CNBC)
4. Hundreds of small and regional banks across the US are feeling stressed and more than 280 banks face the dual threat of commercial real estate loans and potential losses tied to higher interest rates. There's no doubt in my mind there's going to be more bank failures or at least get below their minimum capital requirement. There will be bank failures but this is not the big banks. Rapid interest rate hikes can mean borrowers suddenly face more expensive loan payments and if they can't afford to pay up. They may default on their loans. A record $929 billion worth of loans are coming due AKA maturing in 2024 driven by mass extensions of loans originally due in 2023. Regulators are working behind the scenes with potentially at risk lenders. They are issuing a sort of confidential under the radar report saying you got to raise your capital. We'll see a lot fewer bank failures than we would otherwise. If we're successful in attracting private capital to re-capitalize these banks. These are banks that probably need to raise capital or they could try to get acquired by a stronger bank.


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IT 개발자 다이어리 - 2024년 6월 7일 금요일 / 날씨: 흐리다가 맑아짐

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